Saturday, March 19, 2011

We'll miss you Curly.

This weekend we lost our friend Curly. He was the best unexpected friend I could have asked for. I will miss him a lot. Life can leave us so fast sometimes.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Best Birthday Present Ever.

Tonight husband and I bought the neighbours farm! Literally! I am so excited and so is he! We take possession on April 14th, My birthday. Now when I look out my kitchen window I can say that I own that field!

ps. Please do not make fun of my hair in the picture, he told me to take off my hat.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March is Finally Here!!

This week the month of March finally made it here! It seems crazy but I have been waiting for this month! It is filled with so much anticipation for whats ahead. At the end of this month we will hopefully have some new lambs on the farm!! I can't wait to see how everything goes! Here is a picture of last years trio to remind us of just how cute they are!