Thursday, February 10, 2011

An Explanation of the Upside-Down Dog.

Between Christmas and New Years in 2009 we adopted a dog from the local humane society. We had lost our dog a few weeks earlier and I couldn't handle not having something follow me around the house clicking its nails on the floor with every step. haha. As soon as I saw this crazy little black and tan dog bouncing off her dog house I thought I better take her home. We took her for a walk and then filled out the paperwork. Within ten minutes she had an appointment to be spayed and we were to pick her up in a few days. This dog is one of the best dogs I have ever owned. Strangely she seems to have a fascination with looking at the world upside-down. (Please do not look at my hair, it normally hibernates under a hat all winter).

This was the best picture that I could get of the upside-down move. She does it when she stands up on the front door to look out and when she stands on the window ledge. it makes us laugh every time. Here are some more pictures of her, because she is the name sake of the blog. I live most of my life with her at my side.
 Bad girl. Why do you love sitting in the middle of the road.
 These last two were from the first month that we had her.

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