Yes, I have been a bit distracted and tired lately, but here is an update for all of you wondering what is going on around here!!
The sheep started trimming the lawn a few days ago. We fenced off an area for them and are working to fence off their next meal before they are done the first. The dirt pile was love at first sight for the lambs! They try hard to get to the top and then run down as fast as they can.
Shearing day is Saturday! I can't wait to have these ragged fleeces off and start growing new ones! Hopefully it is not too cold for them. It has been rainy and damp here for a few days so they have had to stay in to limit the amount of water in their wool. They need to be nice and dry for Saturday morning. Once they are done the boys are moving into the backyard for a much needed vacation from the barn. This week I have been working on getting everyones feet trimmed up so we don't have to bother with it on Saturday. I think I have 6 girls left to trim.
Today I am driving up past Campbellford to buy a sheep scale. Hopefully it is the same one that was in the picture or I will be mad! haha. It looks like it is in great shape and it will give me a batter idea of when the lambs are ready for market, as well as accurate weights for all the sheep when it is worming time. I will post a picture if I can bring it home with me today. Hopefully it will go in the back of the truck and hopefully there is someone there to help me get it in there!
Maybe I should stop at the sales barn on the way home? Tempting!!
We filled the chicken barns with chicks yesterday. 45,000 because everyone always asks. I have not visited them yet, but I can take some pictures for you later today.
The ponies started going out to the big pasture this week, and yesterday was their first overnighter. I will probably bring them up tonight because they should have a bit of a break. They are looking nice and trim this spring and I would hate to see them explode into massive monsters too fast. Here is a picture of them on easter weekend. Photo Credit to Double E Photography. Aka. Aunt Liz.
Garden update: Grape Hyacinths are blooming. Bleeding Hearts are just about there. Tulip heads are trying to open and Daffodils have. Magnolia is just starting to flower as well.
Lastly. I found a link to this website today and I think it is hilarious. This link goes out to my Dad because I am sure that I could find a photo of you that would be suitable to send in!
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