This morning I checked the barn at 7am and realized that after all this time I finally knew what the books meant when they said that a ewe will look concave just before she goes into labour. My ewe AFFECTIONATELY known as Fatty was definitely going to have a lamb. So I called Erin who was off like a rocket from her house so that she could see the birth as well. We all stood around and patiently watched as Fatty gave birth to her first lamb ever. She did a great job but seemed tired, so I went in and moved the lamb up to her head so that she could start cleaning it off. Then all of a sudden my father-in-law announced that a SECOND was on the way and out it came! I couldn't believe it! I had only expected her to have one. I mean, there is a reason I call her Fatty! She didn't seem that much larger than before. They were both good size lambs and soon they were clean, up and drinking. A ewe lamb first and then a Ram. Good job Fatty! We named them April and Fools. I wonder why.
Here are some pictures that I took tonight. I am sure that Erin has some she will pass along from this morning. I will post them here when I get them.
Our friend Una also wanted to show you a glimpse of her new trick:
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