Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Maple!

Last year on this date I walked into the barn only to hear the screams of a frantic lamb! This was our friend Maple! Her mother did not know what to do with her and wouldn't let her nurse. She was chasing after her mother and another ewe that was in the pen with them. We tried covering her in maple syrup to try to convince her mother to love her, but she really only wanted the syrup not the lamb. Thats where she got the name.  It took a few days and a few bottle feedings until her mother finally accepted her.

Here she was on day one....

Today she is still here on the farm, and still the most loud and persistent sheep that I own. I guess I can't blame her. She has been screaming and carrying on since the second she was born, and I guess it worked, because she lived and fought for that milk in those first few days. Sometimes you just can't please her and then I threaten to sell her and any other full blooded sisters that might be born this year. Her mother currently looks like a soccer ball on stilts and she is not budging. 

Today I fed her a timbit and she loved it. Happy Birthday Maple, you are such a bonehead. 

I didn't take a picture of her today (Maybe I will tomorrow) but here she was a few months ago showing her true colours.

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