Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SHE POPPED! and now I can sleep through the night again!

After 15 days lambing is done for the year! Tonight the alarm will not be going off at 2:30am! Heck, maybe I will go to bed right now! haha.

Last night I went to the barn at 9:30 pm and then again at 2:30am and Peas was just hanging out like she has been all along. Then this morning I slept in until 7:45am. I thought oh well she wont have had them anyways. I went out and she was just quietly laying down. I started to feed everyone when I heard quiet new baby cries! WHAT!? I looked again and there they were! A little boy and a little girl! everything went smoothly and they were up and had full tummies. The ram lamb has Crazy (!) black markings! He has a big patch of black on one leg, black near his feet and the patches on his face make him look like some sort of drag queen/evil clown/rockstar. The little ewe has a cute spot on her nose, one on her ear and another under one eye. Peas aka Black Eye Peas always seems to give us some interesting markings. I wish I knew what her breeding was!

Here is her ram from last year. 

 And here is her new Ram lamb this year!
I am not going to lie to you guys, looking at this little ram kind of freaks me out. I started calling him the joker because he reminds me of the Joker from Batman aka an Evil Clown! Hopefully I can get a better picture of this guy when he is out in the sun and a bit less new looking.

Here is a picture of his sister. Her spots are a lot less dramatic! Yes she is peeing in this picture but it was the only one I could get of her face hahaha. I am calling her Fergie after her mother!

And here are a few more pictures of the three of them that I took tonight in the barn. That should explain the bad lighting and glow in the dark eyes. Stupid flash! I will get some more during the day when everyone is out and about. 

Peas was chewing her cud in this last one, thats what the lump is in her cheek.

Ps. On a bit of a sad note, little Ram Jam seems to have hurt one of his legs. probably during a lamb race or possibly he was hit into a wall by his best friends mother. Hopefully he is feeling better soon. I felt it and it doesn't seem broken so hopefully it is just a pulled muscle. Poor little guy, he is getting around just fine on 3 legs though. 

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