Sunday, April 3, 2011

Daily dose of lamb. But still only three!

Today Was the first day that all three lambs were allowed out together. It was a bit rough at first, but after they learned which udder they could drink from all was good. Still 6 more girls waiting to have their lambs!! I'm hoping for some action tonight! I am getting pretty tired of waking up in the middle of the night just to have them look at me like I am crazy!

The video is of Fools Just foolin' around. His sister April is the one under the wheel barrow and Una is the other one that he pisses off! April is quite the little adventure seeker! This morning she was found in the pen with the yearlings! She obviously found the one hold the she would have had to leap through to get in there! She was just sitting there with them not looking concerned at all. When I got home from work she was trying to show the other two that she thought that if they tried real hard they could slip through the wire gate and get out onto the lawn!! I hope she grows fast so she can't escape as easily. Her name may be switched to Artist, as in, Escape Artist! 
Here is April Aka The Artist!

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