Monday, April 11, 2011

Where were we?

So right after my last post about the two girls having their lambs at the same time and then us losing one. I went back out to the barn and there was Alien and her new lamb and Peas was right there helping her clean it off. I separated them and noticed that there was another lamb hanging out of her. I then had the unexpected chance to redeem myself for the loss of the lamb earlier that day. Aliens lamb was coming out breech as well. I helped it out and he was just fine as I thanked the heavens! She had a nice set of twins, a little girl and a little boy. Derek named them Black Betty and Ram Jam. They are very nice active lambs and are doing well. Here they are...

 Black Betty above and Ram Jam below.

The next day I went to work with 3 ewes left to lamb. When I got home from work I fed them and Nutmeg was not interested. I left her alone and came back after half an hour and she was uncomfortable and getting up and down and up and down. I left her a bit longer because she didn't seem to be pushing yet. About half an hour later I went back out because my in laws were in the barn checking out the lambs. By this time Nutmeg was pushing and pushing. Finally I decided to check her out. There is was AGAIN, a head with no feet. After a bit of repositioning we got the lamb out and it is a beautiful all chocolate brown girl. She is such a cutie. I named her Mace, but I think I will call her Macey. Mace and Nutmeg. haha. Get it?
Here she is, not the best picture but there will be more to come I am sure. 

I am very pleased with her. She came out of their pen today and is running around with all the other lambs like a pro. 

After Mace was born there was only 2 girls left to lamb. I went to bed and when I went out at 2:30am there were Peas and Tootsie cleaning up Tootsie's new lamb. Another ewe lamb. She was already up and had a belly full of milk. It took me awhile to find a private space for them but I made one up so that Aunt Peas couldn't help them out anymore. I don't like Peas to help with the other lambs because it might confuse the first time moms. Today I let Tootsie and Smartie out of their pen. That little girl is a trooper! She is running around exploring and having a ball. Here she is when they were still in their private pen. I will have to get better pictures today or tomorrow. 

Today all the lambs and their mothers are together running around having fun and Peas is still waiting around to have her own. She has a huge luxury suite now that all the dividing walls are gone. Her udder is getting pretty big and I'm thinking that it CAN'T be TOO much longer CAN IT?!
Here she is in all her current glory from the front and the back. 

And here are some more pictures of the other lambs doing lamb things. 

Being protected by their mothers.
 Sleeping under the hay bag and almost disappearing.

 Climbing on their mothers.

 Drinking at the milk bar.

Sleeping in the sunshine.

Hanging out with their peeps.

And running away from the Shepherd.

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