Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Puppy Surprise!

Lately people have been asking me why I am so excited to have all the ewes lamb, and why I am getting frustrated waiting. I have decided it is because of this.....
Puppy Surprise!

When I was a kid, and these things were all the rage, I got one for my birthday (I also got kitty surprise the following year)! Thanks Grandma! Basically it was a stuffed dog who was pregnant. When you got it home and took it out of the box you got to rip open the Velcro on its stomach and see how many puppies she had inside!!! I think the options were 3, 4 or 5! I could not wait to get this toy out of the box. After 2 years of this my Grandmother was disgusted with the whole thing. I will always remember her saying she would not buy anything like this for me again. She never did. 

So, it happens to be very close to my birthday and there is 6 lamb surprises waiting for me out in the barn. I am so excited to see what they are hiding inside that I can hardly stand it!

ps. I found this picture on another blog I follow! I couldn't believe it because I have been thinking about this toy for weeks!!

pps. Gosh, they were kind of ugly.   

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